Become an Affiliate for Your Favorite Brands

Become an Affiliate for Your Favorite Brands

One of the BEST ways to bring in some side income is to become an affiliate for brands you already shop from and love. Why not lift the products you care so deeply about and share with others!

Do you tend to classify how you view the people you follow on IG? It is confusing to me because I see two ways people use IG. Some people desire to grow their business, while others seem to share their life and personal information or hobbies. I personally think that they are crossing over and the way we view business is part of how we operate our daily lives.

Great news! You don’t need to be a professional “influencer” and have hundreds of thousands of followers. There is a HUGE misconception there. And today, it’s more beneficial to be a “micro influencer”. You need to cheese out by feeling like a sales person making a pitch. If you’re promoting the stuff you really and truly like, it should come more naturally and be done with ease. So let’s discover how YOU can start becoming an affiliate NOW!

Become an Affiliate for Your Favorite Brands

Share For Free

Get started by tagging your sources in every photo. Get people used to trusting your recommendations. Show brands you’re creating content for them without asking for anything in return. This creates a relationship from day one and a foundation for both your followers and brands you like, you are supporting what you love!

Always tag and mention any brands featured in a photo or story. People will start noticing this about you and it can help get your name out there. When you get DM’s, make sure these are trusted brands you love because there are lots of scams out there.

Become a source of inspiration and educate those who engage with you. Once you have some expertise by starting for free, you’ll build social proof and feel confident when you do begin reaching out to brands to become an affiliate.

Look For Referral Programs

Look to see if the brands you use everyday already have affiliate programs. There are so many such as, Amazon Affiliates, RewardStyle, Backcountry, etc. By signing up and using their stuff, they provide a code to pass along to others that gives both you and them a discount if they apply the code.

Share authentically any time you use their service or product. Over time, people will come to think of you and resonate with a post you created, and they’ll check in to find your referral code for a discount. So many companies already have these programs already set up! It’s truly a no brainer to create passive income through affiliate networking. It is not an overnight money maker, but once you create a system it can create some financial stability. Start by doing some research online for brands you currently use to see how you can spread the good word of businesses you LOVE!

We’ve love simplifying things for entrepreneurs! We’ve created a short & sweet, asking for what you want email template! It’s honestly this simple… If you made a list of 50 brands you love and use every week — and sent this email to 5 of them a day, you could reach out to all 50 in just 10 days.

You may be the next influencer and you don’t even know it yet! You can easily become an affiliate for the brands you love which is a win win for everyone!

Check out one of our favorite lifestyle/outdoor brands! We recently applied to become an ambassador for Cotapaxi.

Ready To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing?

Learn How Diversify Your Income With Affiliate Marketing.

Click here to get the free email template!



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